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BAC East

Despite the weather, BAC East in my eyes was a huge success.All though we had to revise it to BAC East Drive – In.We had more cars than planes and a few flew in via heavy’s which would have counted if they had been Beech’s, but I think they were Boeings.BAC East SnowWe had a smaller turn out than I hoped, I was even wondering about going with the weather. It was nicer here in Maine than it was in Dayton, at least it wasn’t snowing here.

We still had 15 BAC members and 3 wives brave the weather.

The USAF Musuem was fantastic, but you needed more than o­ne day to take it all in.

The Wright B Flyer Musuem was great, I know if the weather was better, she would have made a few flights down the runway.

We had the 3 Eastern Region Banners Flying High over Dayton and all 3 region were well represented.

If I have my regions straight and I know I will be corrected if I’m wrong.
We had 6 Northeast, 5 East Central and 4 Southeast members.

For the banquet we sat amongest some nice aircraft in Commader Aero’s hanger, if the weather had been cooperating with us, we would have been sitting around Baby Beech’s, but they chose not to kick out the paying customers into the blizzard.
We served Pulled Pork, Barbaque Chicken, Baked Beans and Potato Salad, which was all excellent.
We had our first BAC annual meeting with our President Cloyd Van Hook leading it off with the history and future of Beech Aero Club, our treasurer Brad Mitchell going over the budget and covering various topics.
David Snodgrass gave a briefing o­n the BAC Alaska trip, that five of us are leaving for in June, if anyone is interested in going with us, please contact David david.snodgrass@unisys.com

Tim Flight showed a slide show showing past BAC fly-ins along with BAC East.

We gave away 6 awards.
And the winners are:

Farthest Ditance Traveled         Brian Foote and Tim Flight
Shortest Distance Traveled       Dan Kirby
Best Paint                                 Brian Foote
Best Panel                                Tom Corcoran
Most Original                           Don Bateman
Best Overall                             Brad Mitchell

I do not believe we could have asked for a better FBO than Commander Aero.
John Bosch CEO, Jason Vaughn Line Supervisor and the line crew were great, they made sure that our event was o­n the top of their priority list and I could not have pulled this off with out them.

I will be posting some of the pictures I have taken and I am sure others will follow.

I am all ready looking for ideas for BAC East II,so if you know of a good place that is family orientated and plane friendly, please let me know  bfoote@e-mart.tv .

I want to thank everyone for coming, it was a pleasure to meet all of you and finally put a face to the email address’s.

Brian Foote
NE Regional Director

Dan Kirby
Cloyd Van Hook
Steve Cote
Mike Rellihan
Tom Corcoran
Tim Flight
Brian Foote
David Snodgrass
Carl Bastiani
Don Bateman
Brad Mitchell
John Simik
Osman Iftikhar
Bob Schmidt
Douglas Lund

Honorable Mention
Andreas Bentz
Larry Perry

Thank you for adding to the resources available for your Fellow BAC Members.