Hello Southeast members. How about a Fly-In at Moultrie, Georgia. Tour the Maule factory. I know it is hot, but we are in the south and it does get hot in the summer. Moultrie [KMUL] is a good central location. Chuz Chambrlin is coordinating this SE fly-In. He has also, arraigned for a Maule factory tour. I encourage all of you to schedule a fly-in at your home base or any location of your choice. How about a Central Florida fly-in on the 25th June also. Some of us might go fly-in hopping from one to the other. It’ll be fun.
Please e-mail Chuz at or e-mail me at so we can have a head count for the factory tour.
Looking forward to meeting you at Moultrie.
Kindest regards,
Osman Iftikhar
SE Regional Director