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>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

Let’s Go Flyin’

Let’s Go Flyin’

...with your new Beech Aero Club Membership!

We hope you have enjoyed exploring these preview pages and we also hope you agree that joining the Beech Aero Club gets you a lot of bang for your 50 bucks!  Speaking of $50, you could spend that on a nice bottle of wine or get the oil changed in your car.  You could spend it on a one-night Staycation or maybe buy some new socks and underwear. We think a BAC membership is an even better idea.

You already have the airplane. Now you need to know it's proper care and feeding, so to speak. And there really is quite a bit to know. You also would do well by having some regualr Baby Beech hangar-flying time with like-minded Musketeer pilots. The Beech Aero Club Forums are the perfect place to do that.  Even better, attend some regional fly-ins or our annual BACFest event where you can do all of that - live and in person! Click below to Sign Up!


Ready to take advantage of all BAC has to offer?

Click the Sign Me Up! button then fill out the registration form on the next page.
We're happy to have you in the BAC Family. Start taking advantage of all the membership benefits show below today!

Benefits of a BAC Membership

  • Musketeer Technical Support
  • Members-only discounts from participating vendors
  • Assistance locating parts
  • FAA-PMA and STC’d parts
  • Directory of instructors with BAC aircraft experience
  • Directory of mechanics with BAC aircraft experience
  • Browse and post classifieds
  • Technical and social discussion forums
  • The latest news and information pertaining to BAC aircraft
  • Browse and post photographs, show off your plane!
  • Read members’ reviews of products before you buy
  • Catch up on all Service Bulletins pertaining to your plane
  • Search the STC database for modifications for your plane
  • Contact other BAC aircraft owners in your area
  • Regional and National Fly-ins to meet other BAC aircraft
    owners and exchange information
  • Maintenance clinics specific to BAC aircraft 

I found out my mechanic had no experience with donut replacements. I had just joined BAC and asked about replacing donuts and found out everything you'd ever need to know!  BAC helped me source the donuts and even sent me a loaner tool to make the job easier - no charge!

I got my A&P to sign up with BAC and he was able to get all the documentation to properly do the job.

BAC saved me hundreds of dollars!  I made my membership dues back, and then some, in one use. Great club and great people!

~ Rick K.
A pleased BAC member
