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About Beech Aero Club

The Beech Aero Club (BAC) is the international type club for owners and pilots of the Beech Musketeer aircraft and its derivatives, the Sport, Super, Sundowner, Sierra, Duchess and Skipper aka Beech Aero Center aircraft. It traces its roots to the Spring of 1999 when James Fairhurst contacted Bob Steward for help in starting an e-mailing list for owners of the Beech Musketeer. James had met Bob through the Grumman Gang, a similar mailing list for owners and pilots of Grumman aircraft.

Over the years from 1999 to 2004 Musketeer Mail, the mailing list that James founded, grew from a small number of grass roots members to over 1,100 members. During most of that time Bob served as the moderator of the list and its technical guru. The members of MM informally organized fly-ins and a maintenance clinic for their mutual enjoyment and education.

By the summer of 2004 the list had reached critical mass and it was decided that the time had come to develop a formal structure that could better serve the needs and wants of the owners and pilots of Beech Aero Center aircraft. BAC was incorporated in Louisiana on July 4, 2004. The initial board of directors consisted of seven members spread from Louisiana to Canada. BAC opened its membership rolls to the public on July 30, 2004.

BAC provides a wealth of services, information and events to promote the enjoyment of Beech Aero Center aircraft. These include a website loaded with technical information, organization of fly-ins and maintenance clinics, newsletter, a group insurance program, assistance with maintenance and operational problems and much more.

Our motto is “All for one and one for all” and remember life’s a Beech and then you fly. So if you own or are considering buying one of these fine aircraft, you owe it to yourself to join BAC.

Bob Steward
Birmingham, AL

Beech Aero ClubFormally organized in July 2004 and incorporated in Louisiana
Founders (in alphabetical order):1) Tom Corcoran Massachusetts2) Tim Flight Maine3) Osman Iftikhar Georgia4) Brad Mitchell Kentucky5) Mike Rellihan Florida6) Bob Steward Alabama7) Cloyd Van Hook LouisianaBACNotes on Elected Club OfficersThe first election of Beech Aero Club officers and regional directors was held in December 2004 for two-year terms beginning in 2005. The officers are elected by the full body of members whereas regional directors are elected by the members residing in each individual region.The three officer positions are President, Executive Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer. These officers comprise the Executive Committee which is responsible for the day to day operations of the club. As volunteers, they do not receive any compensation for their services to the club. Past officers are:
PresidentCloyd Van Hook 2005-2006; 2007-2008Chris Linderman 2009-2010Dan Jonas 2011-2012; 2013 (part)Bo Boggs 2013 (one month)Rap McBurney 2014-2015John Persinger 2016-2017; 2018-2019; 2020
Executive Vice PresidentShelby Smith 2005-2006Chris Linderman 2007-2008Steve Cote 2009-2010; 2011 (part)Bob Schmidt 2011-2012; 2013-2014Chris Nowak 2015-2016Brad Mitchell 2017-2018Jeff Knight 2019-2020
Secretary/TreasurerBrad Mitchell 2005-2006; 2007-2008; 2009-2010Gene McPherson 2011-2012Michael Samac 2013-2014 (part)John Persinger 2014-2015Michael Dunlevie 2016-2017Candy Gooderum 2018-2019; 2020

Rellihan Award

At the discretion of the Board of Directors of the Beech Aero Club,
the Michael Rellihan Distinguished Service Award shall be presented
to a member who has demonstrated extraordinary service towards
the furtherance of the objectives of the Beech Aero Club

Honoree Presented
Bill Manhein 2010 San Antonio
Rick Koch 2015 Dubuque
Brad Mitchell 2016 Branson
Tom Corcoran 2019 Colorado

BACFest Locations
Year City, State Attendance # of Planes Weather
1 2006 Wichita, KS 50 22
2 2007 Myrtle Beach, SC 75 32
3 2008 Santa Maria, CA 51 18
4 2009 Gatlinburg, TN 72 8 *
5 2010 San Antonio, TX 54 18
6 2011 Ithaca, NY 50 8
7 2012 Gulf Shores, AL 69 19
8 2013 Virginia Beach, VA 58 23
9 2014 Portland, OR 42 8
10 2015 Dubuque, IA 82 33
11 2016 Branson, MO 78 31
12 2017 New Bedford, MA 55 5 *
13 2018 Louisville, KY 48 13 *
14 2019 Denver, CO 68 12
15 2020 Tullahoma TN

You may view or download our Articles of Incorporation in PDF format. (90kb)

You may also view or download our Bylaws in PDF format. (124kb)

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