Home | Interim Vendor Listing Policy

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Interim Vendor Listing Policy

Interim Vendor Listing Policy

Beech Aero Club provides dedicated listings and references to outside resources for members and their aircraft. Currently there are three lists:

  • CFI and Instructor List – https://www.beechaeroclub.org/content.php/1300-CFI-List
    • Any individual instructor or school certificated or accredited by any national ICAO body to conduct and offer flight and/or ground training (including but not limited to the FAA, Transport Canada, CASA and CAA).
    • Such instructor or school must be able and willing to offer instruction in club aircraft subject to their own limitations (we don’t require all, but we do require some, for example CFI single versus multi).
    • Exception is we also accept non-certified resources for ground only education activities that apply to aircraft operation and maintenance where such course is still actively instructed.
    • All listings must be for people or businesses conducting actively taught or proctored training (in-person or online).
      • For listing courses must have an individually identified primary instructor.

    • We do not accept listings for products (such as training aids and courses) on this list – see the product discount list.

  • A&P and Certified Repair Stations – https://www.beechaeroclub.org/content.php/1500-AP-Repair-Stations-and-Other-Maintenance-Providers
    • Any individual or business certificated or accredited by any national ICAO body to conduct aircraft maintenance and service (US examples would include A&P and FAA Certified Repair Stations).
    • Any individual or business not certificated but offering specialized services specific to aircraft maintenance.
      • Examples could be things like powder coating, anodizing, machine shops, upholstery, etc.
      • Such business must be willing and legally able in their country of operation to work on parts for certified aircraft.
      • This can include an STC or PMA holder or sub-contractor activities conducted under the authority and oversite of a certificated party.
      • It can also include those activities or parts not requiring certification or oversight.
  • Vendor Discount List – https://www.beechaeroclub.org/content.php/41-Product-Discounts
    • The vendor must provide a product or service for members or member aircraft with either a discount or other value add to members.

General listing policies:

  • The above 3 listings are the only approved listings.
  • No full page or other dedicated listings such as a dedicated article at this time will be allowed.
  • As in all areas BAC does generally not attempt to censor or edit member comments, so:
    • Members are free to make their own endorsements for others products and services.
    • Members are free to comment about their own products, services or certifications including making original posts.
    • Such posts should be relevant, timely, not needlessly repetitive, not represent or imply any club endorsement and not be excessively wordy or large.
      • Example: Feel free to attach a datasheet or put it in the download area – please do not use posts as advertising or data sheets.

  • Lastly – the webmaster and site editors have sole discretion to judge compliance with these guidelines.
    • We will endeavor to be clear, honest and forthcoming when we feel content needs to be adjusted.
    • We will attempt to contact parties about content that we feel needs to be adjusted and let them adjust themselves.
    • Informal appeals are welcome.

  • Existing listings may not be in compliance.
    • BAC and the website editors will attempt to clean things up as time allows.
    • BAC and the website have no obligation to update everyone at once or in any particular order.
    • So having someone else’s listing out of compliance does not grant you the right for your own listing.

Allowed listing content:

  • All listings
    • Required:
      • “Real” name of individual or business (for business either the legal business name or properly registered “DBA” are acceptable
      • At least one form of contact information outside of the BAC site

    • Optional
      • A short listing with name, contact information including phone, electronic or physical address and similar.
      • Any relevant licenses and certifications
      • A short 1-3 line description of the product or service
      • A small (100×100 pixel or less) logo

  • Product/Vendor discounts only
    • A larger more detailed description of the product including a “reasonably sized” product image is allowed.
    • Longer descriptions of the discount and terms are allowed.
    • All discounts are assumed to be offered to members in perpetuity until specifically revoked unless posted with an explicit expiration.
    • That being said we don’t expect vendors to offer discounts on products no longer available or offered but request updates when possible.

Thanks all.

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