Home | Interim Website Terms of Service

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

Interim Website Terms of Service

We have an open action item to develop an acceptable use policy and terms of service for the website. Such policies protect you, the club and us. Additionally recent US regulations make it “highly desirable” to have an AUP/ToS in place by July 1, 2013 (the updates are to the US “COPPA” – a regulation and statue to protect children online). Lastly we are attempting to comply with several US voluntary industry guidelines which require us to publish a public policy and terms. These are needed for various reasons – additional details will follow.

In the interim we are publishing the following “BAC Website Interim Terms of Service”.

  • For the rest of these terms of service we will use the following terms:
    • ToS – Terms of Service
    • BAC – Beech Aero Club as a legal entity, it’s website operators and editors and official representatives including elected and appointed board members.
    • Operators – The webmaster(s) and approved website editors.
    • Board – The Beech Aero Club Board
    • Policies – All published policies currently in effect for the website.
    • Adult – A person at or over the age of 18.
    • Minor – A person under the age of 18.
    • User – The user (person) that posts text or uploads a file to the website.
    • Author – The original author of existing content under US copyright law.

  • BAC in general does not take a position to censor, edit, validate or verify any content on the site.
  • BAC encourages courteous communication but does not edit content for tone or language.
  • BAC does reserve the right to act upon, edit or redact content that is threatening, hateful, abusive or otherwise violates the Policies.
  • BAC does reserve the right to edit content that is reasonably documented to contain factual errors and/or an imminent risk to property or life and limb.
  • BAC cautions that all of the content on the site is from external sources and can represent personal opinion and/or unverified factual data.
  • BAC does not currently comply with COPPA for use by children under 13.
    • BAC does not permit the use of the site by anyone under the age of 13 at the time of use in any way.
    • BAC will remove any data about or identification for children under the age of 13 upon discovery or request.
    • BAC requires members and registered users to an Adult.

  • BAC allows certain content to be public and certain content to be members only.
  • BAC only allows current members to post or otherwise add content to the site regardless of technical ability to do so.
  • BAC owns copyright on all material in the articles area.
  • The User assigns copyright to BAC on all material in posts and comments except where specific attribution or claim is made otherwise.
    • The BAC grants the user a non-exclusive, transferable, perpetual and irrevocable license for all content the User provides on the site.
    • For user grants BAC user a non-exclusive, transferable, perpetual and irrevocable license for all content the User provides on the site where they claim or attribute copyright specifically.
    • BAC will assign copyright of material back to the author or their legal assigns and successors upon request.

  • The original author maintains copyright on all material uploaded to the site as a file including documents and images except where such content is made as a specific duty or assignment of BAC including but not limited to Meeting Notes, BACFire, BACTalk, club and BACFest logos.
  • BAC does not allow, condone or permit copyright infringement.
  • BAC will comply with the US Digital Millenium Copyright Act.
    • BAC does not currently have a registered Agent but will respond promptly to all requests posted to the Contact Us page.

  • The Operators may make minor edits for formatting or add disclaimers or clarifications when they feel necessary.
  • The Operators have sole discretion on the initial enforcement or application of these rules.
  • Existing content may not comply with the current or future policy.
    • BAC reserves the right for the Operators to edit content to comply with the current policy.
    • The Operators will attempt when there is not an urgent time issue to communicate with the original author to adjust content to comply.
    • The fact that BAC or the Operators may enforce current policies on some content does not obligate them to edit or enforce on all content.

  • Members are free to use the Contact Us page to request the Operators investigate and/or take action on content or activities that violates site policies.
  • BAC is a incorporated in the State of Louisiana and declares Louisiana to be the jurisdiction for all club business.
    • An exception is the BAC Website is hosted exclusively in the State of California and declares California to be the jurisdiction for all matters specifically tied to the location of the website hosting.
    • BAC will respond to valid orders of a Court of the United States properly served.
    • Foreign court orders must be registered as required by Louisiana or California court procedures relevant to the proper jurisdiction for the matter.

  • Informal appeals may be made to the Operators through the Contact Us page.
  • Formal appeals may be made to the Board through your regional director by asking and item be put on the agenda to consider the appeal or request.
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