Home | Minutes of Email Board Meeting–August 23, 2011

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Minutes of Email Board Meeting–August 23, 2011

AUGUST 23, 2011

Members present: Steve Cote, Paul Werbin, Rick Koch, Dave Gribble, Gene McPherson, TomCorcoran, Mark Weiss, Mark Gooderum, Marshal Whatley, Larkin Braxton, Dan Jonas, Ed Smith. Members absent: Thom Smith, Robert Schmidt.

The meeting was held by email and was noticed on August 17, 2011 and called to order on August 21,2011 at 0600 EDT by Dan Jonas. The meeting was called to remain open for motions and voting until August 23, 2011 at 1930 EDT.

1. BACFest 2011 Budget. Three budgets were submitted which included variations on how to handle the bar.The variations were for a ticket bar, cash bar or open bar. The recommendation was for a ticket bar.The motion to approve the BACFest 2011 Budget as submitted with a ticket bar option was made by Steve Cote and seconded by Paul Werbin. The motion passed on the following vote.In Favor: 11Opposed: 0 Abstain: 1 (Ed Smith)

2. Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned on August 23, 2011 at 2130 EDT.