Home | I am interested in a Pulse Light system, including the PulseLight brand from Precise Flight Systems. These units can flash your landing or taxi lights to improve your visibility. What should I look for in a system like this?

I am interested in a Pulse Light system, including the PulseLight brand from Precise Flight Systems. These units can flash your landing or taxi lights to improve your visibility. What should I look for in a system like this?

I am interested in a Pulse Light system, including the PulseLight brand from Precise Flight Systems. These units can flash your landing or taxi lights to improve your visibility. What should I look for in a system like this?

When I first became interested in the ads for taxi light pulsing systems, perhaps ten years ago or so, there were two on the market. The PulseLight system had just come out, and there was a less expensive competitor whose name I simply do not remember. Since I could not differentiate the products, I naturally ordered the cheaper one first.

When it came, it was very disappointing. It consisted of a little plastic handi-box package that was obviously home-made, and crudely so at that. The kit contained what were clearly automotive components, including inappropriate automotive-type wire (non heat-resistant, and the kind that produces toxic smoke if overheated). After looking at how it was made and what it contained (inside and out), I sent it back. The guy didn’t like my observations on the reasons for the return, and disagreed with them, but he did give me the refund (except shipping, of course). I then ordered the Pulselight. As it happened there was later an AD on the Pulselight system, requiring the installation of a more robust switching system and heat sink. Apparently some people had managed to overload it somehow; I personally never had the problem, even during the time I was running two 100-watt bulbs.

If you are trying to decide on a product, ask some questions like:

What is the approximate size of the heat sink? Is it aluminum?

Is the flash switching performed by electromechanical relays, or is it solid state? Is there any shielding over the switching relays, if they are electromechanical?

What kind of hook-up wire is used? Is it aerospace Mil-spec wire (old type or new type)? If not, is it Teflon or Tefzel jacketed wire?

Is there an in-line fuse in the power supply? If so, what type is it (barrel-style twist-lock, or two-prong bayonet style, etc.)?

What is the maximum wattage allowed for the lamps?

Do they have to flash alternately (if you have more than one), or can they flash together?

How will the system function if I have it on, then I turn on my taxi lights or landing lights?

NOTE: These systems work best when there are lights in two locations, that you can flash alternately. This gives the illusion of relative motion to other pilots, and makes you much more noticeable. Even so, flashing a single light will make you much more visible, including to towers when you are inbound for landing.

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