Home | I would like to replace the engine baffle seals. I have seen the 3″ wide rolls available at various aircraft parts stores, but I want to get a sheet probably 3ft by 3ft, so I can cut nice curves for the front of the engine. What thickness is recommended

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I would like to replace the engine baffle seals. I have seen the 3″ wide rolls available at various aircraft parts stores, but I want to get a sheet probably 3ft by 3ft, so I can cut nice curves for the front of the engine. What thickness is recommended

I would like to replace the engine baffle seals. I have seen the 3″ wide rolls available at various aircraft parts stores, but I want to get a sheet probably 3ft by 3ft, so I can cut nice curves for the front of the engine. What thickness is recommended (0.093 = 3/32?), or should I use 1/8″?

I would like to use Blue color if I can find it. Orange seems to be more prevalent; why?

Can I purchase any high temp silicone sheet, or is there an approved vs. non-approved material?


Credit to Bob Steward:
Aircraft Spruce has some nice 0.070″ black reinforced sheet baffle material. I use it to cut the proper shapes from. Many baffle parts can’t be cut from a 3″ width, and that orange stuff is THE WORST. Its too thick, and it has no reinforcement, so the smallest nick can start a tear that eventually cuts it in half. Walk into Spruce at FFC tomorrow, and ask to see the black baffle fabric by the yard. I just bought another roll of it 2 weeks ago.

Regarding color, who knows. I’ve seen Blue, Red, and Black with the proper fiberglass reinforcement. Ram Conversions was using Red. Don’t know if they’d sell it by the yard, or if they might not want others to use it, since its sort of their Trademark.

I’ve not seen any baffle material that has a PMA on it. It just needs to be the equivalent of the OEM stuff.