Home | What information is available about the LH and RH steps, for the 19/23/24 and 76 Duchess?Search strings: broken step, fix my step, step repair, weld repair

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What information is available about the LH and RH steps, for the 19/23/24 and 76 Duchess?Search strings: broken step, fix my step, step repair, weld repair

What information is available about the LH and RH steps, for the 19/23/24 and 76 Duchess?
Searh strings: broken step, fix my step, step repair, weld repair

Technical Editor:

The following locations were possible sources in April of 2008. AR=As Removed, OH=Overhauled, NE=New. If yours is cracked or broken but not corroded, you can have it weld-repaired by an aviation-certified welder, at a nearby FBO maintenance facility.

These can be had new, but they are outrageously expensive. LH List is $1,890; RH List is $3,701. I can still get them for a bit less, but can’t afford to stock them. The following part numbers are for the modern streamlined version, as came on 1973 and later planes.

Start with the places having the most used parts in stock; they may want to move some. I have not tried Acorn Welding in Canada, yet. They are advertising OH (repaired) steps. They may be willing to repair and recertify your step.

LH Step P/N 169-400005-911
Baker Aviation AR 169-400005-911 1 LH STEP 785-242-5505
Newcastle Aviation NE 169-400005-911 3 STEP ASSEM 952 223-0317
KRN Aviation Services AR 169-400005-911 12 STEP ASSEMBLY 480-961-8946
Dodson International AR 169-400005-911 1 STEP ASSY, LH 785-878-4000
Acorn Welding LTD OH 169-400005-911 1 Step Assy-LH B-76 780 447 5955
Advanced Aircraft Co. FN 169-400005-911 14 STEP ASSEM 714-373-6081

RH Step P/N 169-400005-912
Preferred Airparts NS 169-400005-912 1 Step 330-698-0280
ULTIMATE AVIATION SOLUTIONS NE 169-400005-912 1000 STEP 1-305-394-9458
Baker Aviation AR 169-400005-912 1 RH STEP 785-242-5505
Newcastle Aviation NE 169-400005-912 6 STEP ASSEM 952 223-0317
Acorn Welding LTD OH 169-400005-912 1 Step Assy-RH B-76 780 447 5955
Advanced Aircraft Co. FN 169-400005-912 10 STEP ASSEM 714-373-6081

The following part numbers are for the older (and cheaper) version, made from a bent round tube.
LH Step P/N 169-400005-813
RH Step P/N 169-400005-814

Note that the steps are a bear to get off and back on. Service Instruction SI0651-112 describes the access holes and step replacement. It is important to note that the round access plates described in the SI WILL NOT work properly on the Sierras. The Sierra aft floor has more corrugations for stiffening, due to the large baggage door. You need to lay out an irregular-shaped access hole that will follow a flat section of the floor. A matching doubler (with anchor nuts) must be made and riveted in place (as for the round holes), with a matching cover plate (which screws to the anchor nuts). This access hole needs to retain the same stiffness in that area, and can’t be treated like the flimsier inspection access holes elsewhere in the floor.