Product Discounts

BAC members enjoy many perks including discounts on products and service from partnering organizations around the World.

A Spar repair has been developed in response to 120 day wait time for spar repair kit 23-4008-01 (or -02) from Beechcraft for Beechcraft Sundowner C23, Musketeer C19, Sierra C24R.

During a recent annual inspection on a C23, corrosion damage was found on the outboard wing spar. Realizing that other operators may not want to wait the 120 day backorder time, ZAERO LLC is notifying the C23 owner community that we have provided, and can provide the FAA approved repair instructions necessary to return your aircraft to service if you have similar corrosion damage. Depending on interest and need, ZAERO LLC may consider applying for an STC. In the short term, repair instructions can be provided by serial number. Please contact for a quote if you have an airplane needing FAA approved repair instructions due to corrosion damage on the outboard wing spar.

SPAR REPAIR  ( Member and BACer supporter)


Aero Fairings Of Canada

This is a Canadian manufacturer of non-approved replacement external fairings, made of fiberglass using Vinylester resin (a very good type that is also used in the Express and Glasair, as two examples). I am pursuing some additional information. They will offer BAC members a 15% discount off their list prices. Note that their website photo seems to show a one-piece tailcone, but the one they sell is actually a two-piece unit. The parts are made to order from their large mold inventory, but lead times are pretty short.

Unfortunately, the parts do not include any FAA-approved paperwork. If you wish to install them, your A&P-IA will have to apply for a Form 337 Field Approval, and the manufacturer may have to furnish "approved data" in order to get the field approval. If one of our members accomplishes this, a copy of that 337 will certainly help support future field approval requests from others. Aero Fairings has no plans to pursue an FAA-PMA certification, nor STCs, because in Canada there is a workaround that owners can use to install the fairings without paperwork.

Their prices, when converted to USD, are very attractive. For example, wingtips run $345 CD, which converts to about $235 USD; as opposed to the price of $300 USD at Globe Aero. The following is the message BAC received from Aero Fairings.

"We can supply most of the exterior fairings installed on the BAC club members' single engine Beechcrafts. Please refer to the Beech section of our web site:"

Claude Buisson


Aircraft Engravers

Aircraft Engravers produces custom panel overlays of many different styles, colors, and materials. Their custom overlays can make aged or modified panels look like new. They also make radio faceplate overlays that can make many older radios (such as the King KX170 series) look like new.

In addition to the overlay services, AE is also capable of providing custom engraving on items such as your fuel filler caps. For example, you can have your N-number, fuel grade and capacity, and useable fuel engraved on your filler caps. This meets the placarding requirements of the A1CE Type Certificate, so you no longer have to deal with replacing the damaged filler neck decals.

Wayne at AE will give a BAC member discount of 10% on single orders. If a group of members merge their efforts and order four to seven pieces, with a single invoice and shipping address, the discount rises to 15%. I have installed their engraved caps on a Glasair I built, and have used their radio faceplate and panel overlays on two different planes. Thoughtful design and placement of a new overlay can make an old panel look almost like new, as (for example) it can hide unused or mismatched holes, and can conceal scratched paint.


Arrell Aircraft - Beech Parts

ARRELL AIRCRAFT SALES, INC., a surplus supplier of GENUINE Beechcraft parts, for ALL models of Beech Aircraft, from the Musketeer, to the 1900 Airliner. We have been in this business since 1969, and have extensive knowledge in replacement parts for this line, at VERY affordable prices, as well as on-shelf delivery, for more than 35,000 line items. Our only interest is providing the right part, at the right price, to keep these great aircraft flying.

For more information:

Rick Leatherwood
Pres. Arrell Aircraft Sales, Inc.
701 Del Norte Blvd., Ste. 220
Oxnard, CA 93030

Phone: (805)604-0439
Fax: (805)604-0429

NOTE: Arrell Aircraft tries to give us at least 5% off RAPID prices on Beech parts. They can sometimes do better on consignment parts.


Custom Ducts

Custom Ducts produces custom-length ducts, SCAT or SCEET, with bonded collars on each end. This greatly enhances durability on ducts that have to be removed and replaced during maintenance. It also helps prevent inner liner separation on lined ducts.

Nathan Jacobs is the owner-operator of this small business. He will provide a 5% discount to BAC members on orders up to $100. Orders over $100 will receive a 10% discount. You will be expected to identify yourself as a BAC member, and provide your member number. Nathan has the option of contacting a BAC Board officer to confirm that the member number coincides with the name on the charge card being used.

THERE IS FINALLY A BETTER WAY! We use the best available silicone ducting and vulcanize two .020 layers (or doublers) of fiberglass reinforced silicone on each end of the ducting. The outer doubler extends 1.5 inches back from the end, and the inner doubler (SCAT only) approximately 1 inch. Both the inner support wire and the outer support string are encased between the doublers, greatly reducing the possibilities of unraveling. Ducts are fabricated to the nearest 1/2 inch, and priced individually by size and length. Shorter outer doubler lengths are available for special applications.

Contact info:

Custom Ducts LLC
Nathan Jacobs
71 Wilson Pond Road
Keen, NH 03431 USA
Tel: 800-863-2620 or 860-885-4849


LoPresti Aviation, Hubba Hubba Hub Caps

Special discount from LoPresti for BAC members. Members Save 10% on specially packaged Hubba Caps. Normally priced at $199 per pair, now get 3 Hubba�s for only $268

Our Hubba Hubba Hub Cap fits most 6 inch aircraft wheels. The Generation II Hubba Hubba Cap has an oversize access door with a 1/4 turn fastener for EASY access to the air valve.

How many times have your tires been low on pressure but you did not want to remove the hub cap to put air in your tires?

The Hubba Hubba Caps will let you keep your wheels and bearings free of dirt and grime.

LoPresti Aviation
772-562-4757 |
210 Airport Drive East, Sebastian, FL 32958


Knots 2U

Knots 2U manufactures and carries thousands of general aviation aircraft parts. For the Beechcraft models we have wing tips, stabilator tips, cowl fairings, windshields, side windows, oil filters, spark plugs, Rosen Visors, Micro Vortex Generators and more.


Vortex Generators - Micro Aerodynamics-19/23/24

$50 discount for BAC members, with your member number.

MICRO Vortex Generators for the Beech 19A, B19, M19A, 23, A23, A23A, A23-19, A23-24, B23, C23, A24, A24R, B24R, C24R are now FAA STC approved and ready for installation on your airplane. This jet age technology provides a reduction in stall speed, improved stabilator authority, reduced landing and takeoff roll.

The Micro Vortex Generators are manufactured under our FAA PMA from aircraft grade 6063-T6 aluminum, alodined to a Boeing mil-spec, ready for painting.

Micro vortex generators are small metal blades placed in a spanwise line aft of the leading edge of the wing. They control airflow over the upper surface of the wing by creating vortices that energize the boundary layer. This results in improved performance and control authority at low airspeeds and high angles of attack.

Here is a follow-up on 07/11/2005 containing an endorsement:

Micro VG Kit for the Beech Musketeer is now FAA STC approved. The STC certification flights were conducted at our headquarters in Anacortes, Washington (just North of Seattle) and STC#SA0115SE covering all Musketeer models. VGs are full span on the wings, on both sides of the vertical stabilizer and on the bottom (BOTTOM) of the stabilator. You get reduced stall speed, reduced landing distance, much better crosswind control, smoother ride in turbulence and a more stable instrument platform.

The Musketeer that we used for the STC certification flights is owned by Ron Sellers who flew it for the first time with the Micro VGs installed and sent us the following E:

"I didn't really notice much of a change enroute home to Troutdale, but when I slowed down to set up for approach and landing --- HOLY COW !!!!!!!!!. The effect of the VGs is amazing. I really felt the difference as soon as I put in the first notch of flaps and I flew the approach 5 kts slower than normal. The plane handled like an airliner, and the landing distance reduction was incredible. Usually I have to come in pretty slow and use a lot of braking to make the second turnoff. Today, I landed slower and use no brakes to slow down, and was at least 200-300 feet short of the turnoff."

"I'll keep you posted as I gain more experience. Thanks again for letting me participate in this project. I will do everything I can to get the good word out to other Musketeer owners." ------ Ron Sellers, Troutdale, Oregon.

Editor's note: Ron Sellers is a current BAC member.

The Musketeer VG Kit is $1595. If you want us to paint it to match your airplane we need a paint name and number which is in your aircraft records. There is a $250 charge per paint color for painting. With your order we need N-number, serial number, shipping address and any credit card or COD. I look forward to shipping you a Micro VG Kit for your Musketeer.

Anni Brogan
Micro AeroDynamics Inc.
4000 Airport Rd Ste D
Anacortes WA 98221
800-677-2370 (toll free USA & Canada)
360-293-5499 Fax


Bogert International (Bogi-bars, wheel jacks, and much more)

Thanks to a request from member David Snodgrass, Bogert International has joined the growing list of participating suppliers offering BAC members worthwhile discounts on their products. They will also purchase a BAC membership, as have some other providers, in order to help keep tabs on questions, etc. Here is the current announcement by Kathy Bogert. Please visit the Bogert website and view the broad range of products (tow bars, jacks, jack pads, gear stands, specialty tools, and much more. Bogert also makes FAA-PMA copper battery cable kits to replace OEM aluminum cables. While they do not currently list the 19/23/24 (I believe that all the 76s and 77s are copper), if we demonstrate a member market for replacement cables, we can approach Kathy.

While it is in Kathy's text, please make note that the 10% member discount is a year-round discount offer on all their products. Kathy also plans to offer limited-time specials on various products from time to time. For example, she is offering members a ten dollar discount on the $79 Bogi-bar. This offer reflects a % discount on the Bar, and is good through February 02, 2005.

Mike, Cloyd and David,

We will join BAC before the end of the year. I don't suspect we will be posting much. If we do, it will be in direct response to the subject in the thread. I agree it is a good thing to moderate the forum.

Bogert Aviation is able to offer all BAC members in good standing a 10% discount on our entire product line year round, and reserve the right to sweeten the deal occasionally.

Sweetened deals will run for a specified time and specified price. These items will typically be linked to the release of a new product, regional/national fly-ins or when we are overwhelmingly overstocked.

Originally you requested a discount on our Bogi-Bar. You've got it! The Bogi-bars are normally $79.00. Let's take $10.00 off any Beech Bogi-Bar until February 2, 2005 for all BAC members. And... remember the 10% is good on anything year round.

Orders can be placed on the web at or call us direct at (800) 627-8088. Orders could also be faxed in to (509) 735-2106.

Call us direct if you have questions. But remember, we are on the Pacific Coast and usually start answering phones about 8am PST. Email is always welcomed at

Our contact info is:
A&P, & Inventor: Richard Bogert
Sales & Marketing: Cathy Bogert (Richard's sister, not wife)


Woodland Aviation - Beech Parts Discounts

Forrest Barton, Woodland Aviation Parts, 800-442-1333, Beech parts contact;

Arrell Aircraft is a great source for parts. If they have them available, 90% of the time they will beat my price, as many of their parts are New Old Stock consignment sales. I have a great working relationship with Rick and Steve at Arrell, and quite often get things from them myself.

Most of the time when Arrell has to get a part from RAPID, I am their supplier. RAPID, unfortunately, isn't making life easy on anyone these days; but if you are forced to deal with RAPID, I can match and often do better than RAPID will offer you direct. Another perk I can provide is a working knowledge of the airframe, when it comes to parts issues, versus talking to the order-takers at RAPID.

Just to give BAC members some inside info, RAPID will charge you $100 for an AGO fee, in addition to the cost of the part and the Express shipping cost. You can have them do a Flight Critical Expedite, which wont cost you anything but is not as fast as an AOG. Both of these options will get you parts faster than a standard order.

Woodland Aviation has been serving aviators throughout the West since 1963. Family-owned and operated since our establishment, we are proud to maintain a reputation of integrity, innovation and excellence.


Electronics International, Inc

Electronics International Inc. manufactures nearly 100 product lines for your aviation needs. From engine and temperature instruments to clocks and timers, we may well offer more STC'd, TSO'd, and PMA's instruments than any other manufacturer in the industry. At Electronics International Inc. customer satisfaction is priority one, which includes providing a good price on systems and accessories. EI has over 2000 distributors worldwide that tend to get price competitive with one another.

The most recent information is that EI "might" do a "bulk" purchase option with a discount to BAC Members. If you are considering an EI purchase it might be worthwhile to post in the forums to see if anyone else wants to try to put together an acceptable "bulk" purchase.


Stark Avionics

Stark Avionics might have a small staff, but they are big on service. They offer very competitive pricing on avionics, autopilots, new panels, lighting, and any electrical work. They offer an IFR certification for $225 (as of June 2009). If you are in the market for a new panel, be sure to give them a call. They have a computer generated panels with laser cutting that is exact and fits perfect. Along with the panel production, they offer full powder coating services for all your needs. They are offering BAC members 10% off on all labor. Please provide your member number at the start of work.

Contact Stark Avionics at:
Phone 706-321-1008 / Fax 706-324-3770
Owner: John Stark-
Manager: Tony Skahan-


TKM-Michel Electronics - Discounted Radios - MX170/MX12

NOTE!! This is a false website name being used as a "place-holder"; it is not intended to be a valid website address! TKM does not have a retail website.

I have reached an agreement with TKM-Michel, known in the electronics trade as a major manufacturer of test and measuring equipment. TKM makes the MX series of slide-in replacement radios. In our aircraft, the most common application is for the King KX170 series radios, and the Narco MK12 radios. You can view the links for the MX radios on the BAC website, for detailed info. In summary, they are modern digital flip-flop radios, with frequency storage, that can slide into the same tray when the old radio comes out.

Now the best news. TKM will sell factory-refurbished radios to BAC members, complete with a one-year factory warranty, for only $1,200. This is hundreds of dollars below the discounted new cost from dealers, and hundreds of dollars below the typical eBay sales price. This offer is subject to availability. Call Kathy at TKM, 480-991-5351, email to purchase a radio. Tell her that you are a BAC member, and that Mike Rellihan sent you.

TKM provides excellent service. Not only are their repair rates very reasonable (a recent face refurbishment, with new buttons, cost me $80), but Kathy will ship you a free loaner radio for the price of shipping, if you need it during a repair. Their radios are as reliable, if not more reliable, than those they replace. To top it off, my MX170B has better/clearer receive audio than my Garmin GNS430, and I regularly receive comments that it sounds better on transmit as well. Not too shabby.

Another BAC member benefit. Hope you are able to take advantage of it!


Hilton Software 10% BAC discount on WingX

WingX is a flight planning, weather briefing and Electronic Flight Bag bundle for smartphones (including Blackberry, iPhone, and Windows Mobile devices). Developer and CFII Hilton Goldstein extends a 10% discount on all WingX programs and database subscriptions, to all Beech Aero Club members. Be sure to include your BAC Member Number when you order. I was an early adopter of this suite, and am now a beta tester for the Blackberry Storm release (which is still a bit buggy, but that's RIM's fault, not Hilton's!) A complete product review is forthcoming.


Clarity Aloft Headsets

Clarity Aloft is offering BAC members a discount on their revolutionary headsets. From now through May 1st BAC Members can purchase the headsets for $450 (retail is $650). To order, call 612-747-3197 and identify yourself as a BAC member.

The Clarity Aloft headsets employ patented Comply Canal Tips, composed of soft visco-elastic foam, the same foam tips used in advanced hearing aids. More than simple earplugs, these foam tips provide full spectrum noise reduction: 35-45dB of attenuation. This advanced technology has been lab tested to prove that visco-elastic passive noise reduction (VPNR) is superior to active noise reduction (ANR), especially in the speech frequencies, precisely where clarity of sound and hearing protection is most needed for aviation communications.

Features and benefits:

  • Superior clarity of sound
  • Lightweight, but rugged enough to meet military specifications
  • Better noise reduction than ANR in the speech frequencies

Special thanks to John Waterman for arranging this discount!


Rosen Sunvisor

Long acknowledged as the "Industry Leader", Rosen sunvisors are installed as factory original equipment on aircraft of every category ranging from the Cessna 172 to the Boeing 777. Rosen has extended a discount offer of $30 off list price, to BAC members. Please refer to their discount sheet in the Downloads section of BAC.

Designed by pilots, for pilots, Rosen visors offer unparalleled safety and comfort. Our optically pure lens material offers the pilot these benefits:

Unrestricted visibility.
Enhanced feature definition in hazy conditions.
99% reduction of damaging ultraviolet light.

Both our Monorail and NSA visor designs allow the lens to be positioned anywhere across the windshield or side windows that direct sunlight creates a problem, then stowed out of the way when not needed. Our precision machining standards produce mechanical assemblies that move fluidly, tension firmly and stay in position.

With STC'd visor systems for most certified aircraft flying, and the unequalled quality that goes into every Rosen system, we think you'll agree that there is no better sunvisor value on the market.


Norris & Vivienne Hibbler - Fournier Group (fka Aircraft and Marine Assurance)

Norris Hibbler has been providing discounted insurance rates to BAC members; particularly on the first renewal. All member feedback for this agency has been very positive.

"We, the staff of Aircraft & Marine Assurance, will continue to provide nothing less than the outstanding service that you have come to expect from us. Now and in the future, we offer our dedication and loyalties to help our organization grow and prosper."


EZ Flap Handle


BAC members are being offered an "Early Bird" special discount for the brand new EZ Flap manual flap handle extension. Orders placed through November 17th will receive a 10% discount off the $499 retail price (a $50 value) plus free shipping in the lower 48 (an additional $8 to $10 value).

The product comes with a 100% money back guarantee - if after trying the product on your own aircraft you're not completely satisfied and agree it makes a significant improvement in safety, convenience, comfort and performance... return the product in new condition for a full refund.

EZ Flap is a well-made, FAA approved control extension device that installs onto your existing Beech manual flap handle in about 30 minutes with only two small holes. No disassembly or de-rigging. Photos and additional information at

Contact: Bill Berle
818-634-9762 Whiteman Airport KWHP Los Angeles, CA