Home | 2009 President’s Trophy Final Report

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2009 President’s Trophy Final Report

What a spectacular year for fly-ins! The total number of official BAC fly-ins was 27 which is second highest in the club’s history! We broke a record for the number of total miles flown (58,238.8) and the total number of members with over 1000 miles flown (16)! But, to cut to the chase and announce the winner….

Congratulations to the Flying Dutchman, Marty Vanover of the Southwestern Region. Marty posted 5716.0 PT points and attended 5 BAC fly-ins. In fact, Marty participated in fly-ins from Seattle, WA to the Bahamas! Now that’s covering some territory! Well done, Marty!

Second place in the PT points was Marshal Whatley with 2837.4 points and Marshal attended four events. Third place goes to South Central Regional Director, Bo Boggs with 2516.5 points and he attended six events! Well done, gentlemen.

The winner of the most events attended award goes to our Club Secretary/Treasurer, Brad Mitchell. Brad attended a whopping SEVEN events this year and came in tenth place in the PT points race with 1342.9. Great job, Brad!

A big round of applause to all the winners and the 130 participants. You can see the final results for the President’s Trophy by clicking HERE.

A wonderful, SAFE year of flying our fantastic planes. Let’s set new records in all categories this year!