Home | 2010 President’s Trophy Standings

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2010 President’s Trophy Standings

First Update for 2010: Jan. 23, 2010

Here is the FIRST update for the 2010 President’s Trophy. You can view the rules here. Number in parenthesis by a member’s name is the number of events attended. Minimum of three events before a notation is made.

2010 Totals KDWA ICE
16-Jan 30-Jan
SoWest NoEast
Ron Beach 922.6 922.6
Tom Corcoran 188.4 188.4
Richard Kutzner 115.8 115.8
Ken Cook 104.2 104.2
Bob Lewis 102.9 102.9
Mariellen Couppee 101.0 101.0
Steve Cote 51.1 51.1
Aris Westbrook 15.4 15.4
Dan Jonas 14.9 14.9
Jason Johnson 10.1 10.1
Tim Flight 10.0 10.0
Total Mileage 1636.4