Home | 3rd Annual Southeast Fly-In at KFFC – 21 May 2005

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3rd Annual Southeast Fly-In at KFFC – 21 May 2005

Boys and girls list of attendees is growing, but we need more airplanes if we are going to break last year’s record. Ladies and gentlemen we, the South East group, started this tradition of spring Fly-In at FFC. Let’s set the bar high so that no other region can touch it. Remember to bring you cameras. We’ll need a lot of photos of the largest Musketeer Gathering ever. Let’s set the attendance goal at 30 Musketeers.

Plan on meeting at FFC around 10:00 AM. That’ll give us enough time to pick up supplies at Aircraft Spruce and then head for the Hotdogs and sodas. Following is a list of attendees. I’m sure the list will grow rapidly as the day approaches near. Please e-mail me directly if you would like to attend fly-in. My e-mail is: o_iftikhar@bellsouth.net

1.Chuz Chamberlin

2. Jim

3. Pete Hecht N24PD

4. Osman Iftikhar N61526

5. Tom Kinstlet

6. Brad Mitchell

7. John Perry

8. Mark & MarryBeth Perry [Ann Arbour, MI]

9. Mike, Paula & Mighty Dog Sky

10. David Snodgrass

11. Bob Steward

12. Cloyd Van Hook

13. Mike Earrey N6713F

14. Jimmie Henson

15. Digger & Deb N6681X

16. Ed & Holly N1476L

17. Steve Robertson N4732J Super


Osman Iftikhar

Southeast Regional Director
