Home | 3rd Annual Southeast Fly-In at KFFC – 21 May 2005

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3rd Annual Southeast Fly-In at KFFC – 21 May 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for your support of our 3rd annual Fly-In at Peachtree City Falcon Field, Georgia [KFFC]. Fly-In is scheduled for 21 May 2005. Let’s plan on meeting at FFC around 10 ish. That’ll give us enough time to pick up supplies at Aircraft Spruce and then head for the Hotdogs and sodas. Following is a list of attendees. I’m sure the list will grow rapidly as the day approaches near. Please e-mail me directly if you would like to attend fly-in. My e-mail is: o_iftikhar@bellsouth.net1.Chuz

2. Jim

3. Pete

4. Osman

5. Tom

6. Brad

7. John

8. Mark&Marry

9. Mike, Paula&Sky

10. David

11. Bob

12. Cloyd


Osman Iftikhar

Southeast Regional Director
