Home | 3rd Annual Southeast Fly-In

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

3rd Annual Southeast Fly-In

We had seven airplanes in attendance. It was a pleasure meeting the usual crowd and meeting the newer members.

It was my first time meeting Doug, Mark and Gary and Debbie, so big howdy and thank you for stopping by. As usual SunnyBeech delivered Mike and his buddy Monty an aspiring A&P, safely to Falcon Field. Chuz, Brad, Doug, Gary& Debbie and Mark all flew in on the instruments, Jimmie Henson drove in, while I decided to dodge the clouds and arrived with my trusty navigator and a great CRM instructor Stephen, a few hours late. It would have been safer to pick up an IFR clearance. I had a short 16-mile flight though. We had seven airplanes on the field. Two Sierras, five Sundowners and of course Chuz’s Aerobatic Sundowner. We spent a few hours at Aircraft Spruce eating hotdogs and picking up supplies. Then back to the ramp to ooh and aah at each other’s airplanes. Check out the photos of Chuz’s fancy painted propeller. All airplanes looked immaculate and beautiful sitting on the ramp under low hanging ceilings. We had fun and enjoyed the camaraderie of fellow musketeer riders. Then it was departure time and most of the group departed one at a time, while I got to the hold short line and called flight of two Sundowners and low be hold Brad took the left side of the runway while I stayed on the right. We flew to Griffin together as Brad made a straight in approach I crossed overhead to join the final behind him.

Weather didn’t cooperate much but we had a good time. Let’s do it again real soon. Please check out the photos of the event. They are located in the S’outheast Fly-Ins’ folder under the ‘Photo Gallery’ menu.

Most of the photos were taken by Mike’s friend Monty.


Thank you again for your continued support of BAC and taking the time to fly in for the Southeast Region’s 3rd annual fly-in.


Osman Iftikhar

Southeast Regional Director
