Home | 406MHz ELTs Required in Mexico as of July 1st

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406MHz ELTs Required in Mexico as of July 1st

Just a heads up to our members especially in the Southwest, as of July 1st Mexico’s regulation NOM-012-SCT3-2001 will require 406MHz ELTs in almost all aircraft travelling to Mexico, including GA aircraft. AOPA, BBP and other organizations have requested an exemption for US registered aircraft, but as of right now without a 406MHz ELT you’ll be illegal South of the border.

Some references include:

The DGAC Director of Aviation – the Mexican analog to the FAA Administrator – has indicated a desire to find an accomodation as they are well aware of the impact this will have on both tourist, business and humanitarian flying by US registered aircraft, and the assoicated negative economic impact. However, as the requirement is official published regulation, just like in the US, there are limited options to modify the regulation legally on such short notice. So as of right now the requirement is still on the books to fully apply July 1st.

So beware, be safe and be legal.