Home | AEC Donuts – From the Horse’s Mouth

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

AEC Donuts – From the Horse’s Mouth

I spoke just now with Kamran Rouhani, the head of AEC. I had e-mailed him and asked him if he would confirm that he has an offer to sell his entire inventory of donuts to a vendor who would in turn sell them at 10-15% less than Beech’s price. If so I’d like to let our BAC members know.He said that he does have such an offer. In fact he may have more than one. I also asked him how many sets he’d ordered and how many he’d sold.

He said his initial order was for 350 sets. [A set is eight discs, enough for one gear leg. Each plane uses three sets.] He said he has only sold about 27 sets so far and his break even point is somewhere around 150 sets.

I thought the vendor might be trying to buy the donuts at a discount from his price. But they have offered him the price he’s selling them for on his website. http://www.aec-inc.com/ The vendor would make his profit by marking them up to just under Beech’s price.

Kamran said he does not want to sell the whole inventory to another vendor. He’d prefer to help us. But we need to help him.

Guys and gals this ain’t about charity. If you want or need donuts and you don’t want to pay at or near Beech’s price you’d best step up while they’re available.

Some have asked why doesn’t BAC buy the donuts. Do the math. 300 sets @ $360 per set = $108K. That’s about five times BAC’s annual revenue.

Cloyd Van Hook

President, BAC