Home | AEC Update 07/02/2005 – Shock Discs/Donuts And H2532-13 Handles

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AEC Update 07/02/2005 – Shock Discs/Donuts And H2532-13 Handles

A new July 02 update note on our projects has been requested and received from AEC. Text pasted in below. Please note my request for a bad shimmy damper, so I can pursue that project (an alternative supplier to Beech).Here is the latest update from AEC on the gear cushions (donuts), Hartwell H2532-13 exterior door handle replacements, and my request to add shimmy dampers to the AEC project list. Regarding the dampers, does anyone have a bad damper off a 19/23, and off a 24, that they could send to me in support of the cause? Beech now replaces both with a common part, but it requires a modification kit for the 24.

In summary:

1. It is looking good for the fixed gear donuts (and Sierra nose donuts) within a few weeks. The May test batch proved to be good. Sierra main gear donuts by mid-Fall.

2. They have a good door handle prototype but hit a snag with the locks. The handles now won’t be out in August as expected.

3. AEC is interested in pursuing a shimmy damper for us.

From: AEC Customer Service

Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 9:09 AM


We just approved the first articles of the -7 disc yesterday. This is what we’ve been working toward. We’ve had many samples but had not yet approved a single rubber batch before yesterday. We expect to have production units in about 3 weeks. They will be available for sale only from the web site. We will announce the date of that availability by emailing you as well as everyone else that has made an inquiry. The -1 disc for Sierra mains should be available in the September time frame.

We left the door lock selection up to our supplier, and we’re not satisfied with the quality. As a result, we’re now working with lock manufacturers to integrate a reasonable lock into the assembly. We could simply use the OEM lock, but we’d like to improve it. I have lock samples coming in and will advise when we have selected one. August availability won’t happen now. We have to wait on the lock suppliers for support and samples. BTW – the prototype looks beautiful in brushed aluminum, but we need to fix the lock.

We’ve done a fair amount of work on the Cessna 150/52/72 damper. The new Lord units are $450+ and the Cessna OEM parts are discontinued. We back-burnered it due to priorities. Once we do go forward with it, a Beech unit would be a natural progression. It sounds like there are at least two part numbers. As always, if you can collect some samples it makes the project that much easier. Do you have an estimate as to how many of these might be needed per year?

Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 12:10 AM

To: AEC Customer Service

Greetings. I wondered how the testing went on the May batch of shock disks.

Wondered whether the door handles are still on target for August availability, and whether any projected pricing has been done yet.

Thought of a possible “next project” with very wide applicability, based on recent club chatter and some parts research. We need a much less expensive source for shimmy dampers for the 19/23/24. Beech now sells a universal replacement, PN 169-380029-7. It requires a kit to use this part on the retracts; the kit changes the attach point on the engine mount. Dampers are available for most brands for $100-$200, while Beech wants more than $800. A decent unit with replaceable seals and a filler port would be very welcome. The Beech unit cannot be serviced due to crimped construction; it can only be replaced.

BAC Members, please feel free to send me suggestions for other AEC parts projects, for the 19/23/24/76/77, via direct email to rellihan@rellihan.com. One item I was thinking about is replacement throttle quadrants, with the option of carb or injected labeling (prop control versus carb heat control). Another is non-flush fuel drains (Saf-Air makes suitable and reasonably-priced flush drains). To have a reasonable chance of success, parts projects should have the following characteristics:

1. A reasonable potential volume market.

2. Extensive commonality across many or most of the airframes.

3. Be unavailable from Beech, or be exorbitantly priced from Beech.

4. Be a stock item for which a PMA can be obtained, as opposed to an aftermarket specialty part requiring an STC (more difficult projects).