Home | AECI Fuel Selector Valves Released For Shipment

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AECI Fuel Selector Valves Released For Shipment

Some of you have ordered the new fuel selector valves from AECI. The FAA sprung a surprise sample audit on AECI, and chose the new valve for their sample analysis. That automatically froze all shipments.New word from AECI tonight, containing good news. Kamran’s note follows:

Hi Mike,

Good evening my friend. The FAA approval of the sample audit came in this afternoon. We got A+. Stop shipment was lifted also. We will make shipments starting tomorrow.


Kamran Rouhani

Aviation Engineering Consultants, Inc.

2159 McMullen Booth Road,

Clearwater, Florida 33759

727-723-1332 Phone

727-723-1333 Fax
