Home | AOPA Expo in October

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AOPA Expo in October

Greetings from New England,

Amazingly enough, AOPA is holding their annual EXPO in my neck of the woods. I won’t even have to suck up to the airlines for this if the weather turns bad. (‘Course, I-91 is a SOB any day of the week, sigh.)Now I don’t care if you are, or are not a member of AOPA; they put on a heck of a show. And the static display, at Brainerd Field (KHFD) is, well, not walking distance, but they always have some sort of efficient shuttle.

I am working to arrange some sort of BAC presence (inspired by Bob Schmidt’s work at AirVenture). Even if all we get is a rallying point and a chance to sit down for dinner and tell lies (err, elucidate the finer points of flying) we can have a good time.

And, too, we can expose ourselves to more people. (umm…Memo to me: don’t try for fancy language before your second coffee.)

Let me know if you are coming (via Mouse or high speed Spam can) and let’s see what we can put together. Check out the forum (under Fly-Ins; AOPA) to contribute or just keep up.

Steve Cote

NE Region