Home | April Website Updates

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April Website Updates

Feeling lost? Need vectors to your favorite BAC page? Some long overdue changes have been made to the BAC website.You should have noticed by now that the typical ‘Main Menu’ has disappeared from the top left of the site. All items that were there have been replaced into the menus across the top center of the site. You will also find a few new items in there as well!

Submit News is back now that I have a better way to control sp@m type postings. So all members can once again submit news items for the homepage. This isn’t the place to ask a question or request a feature, but a place for news about BAC related topics. You can find it under the BAC Info menu.

In the Member Info menu you will find two new items. Ever wonder how the board always knows who is online and Shouts to them? You can now see for yourself through the Members List page.

Also new in the Member Info is a Top List which shows the most popular and most commented news articles.

That is it for the new pages. Since I had much more room to work with condensing the menus into drop downs I rearranged the homepage a little bit to take better advantage of the space. More items should be visible on the screen at once now.

And finally… a big change is that Musketeermail messages posted by BAC members are now automatically loaded into the BAC Discussion Forums to facilitate searches. When the messages are imported my script looks at the sender’s email address. If that email address matches a BAC member then the message is posted into the Discussion Forums as if that BAC member had posted it directly themselves. If the poster is not a member of BAC the message is not archived.

If you leave the subject line in tact when you reply to MM messages on MM then my script will know it is part of the same thread and post the message as a reply to the original rather than constantly starting new threads.

Most people don’t delete the original message when replying on MM so there is likely to be a little bit of redundancy. However I’m not suggesting people remove the “quoted” text when replying. Feel free to trim it to just quote if you wish but I don’t want people to think that they have to change the way they use MM because of this new feature.

Even more new stuff is coming soon! Stay tuned for pictures and VIDEOS from BAC East as well as new website features!

Tim Flight

BAC Webmeister