Home | Atlantic City Fly-in Update – March 12

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Atlantic City Fly-in Update – March 12

Only one more week to the gala Atlantic City Fly-in. Let’s hope that the weather next weekend is as perfect in NJ as it is today.The latest count shows that we will have at least 13 planes

participating with the possibility of 10 more. There were actually a

handful of additional ‘possibles’ but I didn’t list them as they

indicated they were unlikely to make it. We will probably get several

more during this week and some who will arrive unannounced.

Plan on arriving at Bader Field (KAIY) by ten A.M. on March 12. Earlier

is fine if you want to.  Be sure to check the airport directory, AIM,

etc. so that you are aware of the traffic patterns at KAIY. Atlantic

City approach are friendly folks and will escort you through the area if

you like. Be aware of the two Restricted Areas north of Atlantic City.

If active, there could be both military air traffic and ground-based

weapons firing activity. If not using flight following or on an IFR

flight plan I would suggest that you monitor 121.5 on your second comm

while in the area.

The plan is to formally meet at ten o’clock and from there we can check

out each other’s planes and then retire to the FBO office for swapping

lies, questions & answers, etc. I expect we will be complete around noon

or 12:30 and then, for those who wish to, off to the Atlantic City

boardwalk for lunch or whatever. There is no restaurant on the airport


We hope to be able to take photographs of each plane landing as well as

the usual group pictures. Please have all of your exterior lights on

while in the pattern at KAIY.

IMPORTANT: This is a VFR-only event. Watch MusketeerMail and/or the BAC

website for the go/no-go decision later in the week. As always – it is

up to you, the pilot in command, to decide if you are comfortable and

competent for the conditions that exist over your route of flight.

I look forward to seeing everyone at KAIY next Saturday.


Sundowner – N6363U

March 12, 2005 Atlantic City Fly-In

Bader Field (KAIY)

Will Attend:

Tom Corcoran

Brian Foote

Paul Werbin             N3864Y

Steve Cote              N1958L

Jack McAdams            N6363U

Pete MacPherson        

Mark  Klieger

Charles Castioni        N6956Q

George Pillar           N24597

Walter Goodale          N8771M

Mark Patacchiola        N2013G

Ozzie Alfonso           N18996

Gerald Jackson          N18903

Might Attend:

Steve Hamel             N1800P

Gary Hylinski                             If out of annual

Herb Harris             N5953S            Possible National guard


Bob Swaim               N6504R

Bob Palmara                               If out of annual

Jim Girgenti            N6616R

Phil Riley 

Ray Igou

Carl Bastiani           N21KM

Kerry Muller            N6629R