Home | Atlantic City – TFR/Ivan/Contact Info – Pls Read

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

Atlantic City – TFR/Ivan/Contact Info – Pls Read

I suspect that the Saturday TFR should not be a problem for most. We are meeting and greeting at 11, chat, lunch(?) and will be out of there long before six. Friday night could be a problem for a few folks – but they are big boys and know how to plan their travel!

The other possible issue is Ivan the Terrible. There is no way he will

get here in one piece but may leave us with a cruddy day or two as he

blows on by.

In deference to those who are traveling on Friday I think we need to

make the decision earlier rather than later. Therefore – unless I hear

disagreement – I will post a notice here on Thursday night as to whether

we are go or no go. The most important part of our fellowship is safety

and that will be the number one consideration in the decision. Other

opinions are, of course, welcome.

Let me give you all of my contact information in case you should need

it. My home phone is (908) 730-8619, My Cell phone is (908) 209-8233 and

my office phone is (973) 921-5984. Feel free to call me at anytime.

Think positive thoughts and get ready for the Big Beech Bash at Atlantic

City on Sept. 18! We have eighteen aircraft signed up as probable

attendees. There is always room for more – so tell all your friends and



Sundowner – N6363U