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BAC Elections Are Coming Up

Elections for all officers and directors will be held this fall. The elections will be held as provided in the Bylaws. The applicable Article reads as follows:ARTICLE IX – ELECTIONS


The Nominations & Elections Committee shall between October 1 and November 15 nominate candidates for the office of President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and the seven (7) Regional Director seats. The committee may nominate more than one member for any position.


Between November 16 and November 30 any member may nominate any member, including himself/herself, for the office of President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and the seven (7) Regional Director seats. A member may only nominate a candidate for the Regional Director seat for the region of which he is a member.


Election of officers and directors will be held between December 1 and December 15. Voting will be by electronic means whenever possible. Any member wishing to vote on a paper ballot may do so by requesting one from the Secretary-Treasurer. The Nominations & Elections Committee shall establish procedures for the conduct of elections.

Please note that this section of the Bylaws has to be amended to show that there are now nine (9) Regional Director seats.

I want everyone to understand that the function of the Nominations & Elections Committee is to ensure that there is AT LEAST ONE candidate for each position. A nomination by this committee is NOT an endoresement of a candidate.

I have asked Tim Flight, our Webmeister, to chair this committee. If anyone is interest in running for a spot please let Tim know.

Remember, BAC is what its members make it. The more participation the better. Get out and run, then get out and vote.