Home | BAC Elections – Elections Committee Nominations

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BAC Elections – Elections Committee Nominations

Per Article IX, Section 1 of the bylaws, the Elections Committee will now present the list of candidates nominated for the office of President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and the Regional Director seats. While these are the candidates the Elections Committee has listed, they are not necessarily endorsed by BAC. Nobody has yet agreed to run for the International Region.

President Cloyd Van Hook
Vice President Chris Linderman
Secretary/Treasurer Brad Mitchell
International Regional Director
East Central Regional Director Bob Schmidt
North Central Regional Director Dave Buttram
Northeast Regional Director Steve Cote
Northwest Regional Director Don McNamara
South Central Regional Director James Bruce
Mid Atlantic Regional Director Bill Heybruck, Gary Boyce
Southeast Regional Director Chuz Chamberlain, Doug Muse
Southwest Regional Director Dan Jonas

Starting tomorrow, November 16, we will have open nominations. These will last until November 30. Per the bylaws, any member may nominate any other member in their own region including herself/himself. If you are interested in nominating someone in your region or yourself, please contact tim.