Home | BAC Fest 2007 Site Selected

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BAC Fest 2007 Site Selected

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina will be the host city for BAC Fest 2007, October 17 – 21. Located on the beach and having undergone a recent eight million dollar room renovation, The Caravelle Resort will be the host hotel for the second annual national gathering of the Beech Aero Club.KCRE (Grand Strand airport), in North Myrtle Beach, is minutes away from the hotel. With a VOR located on the field and having ILS, VOR and GPS approaches, the Class D airport and Ramp 66 FBO are prepared to welcome as many airplanes as we can fly in.

Beginning Wednesday evening, a hospitality suite will be open nightly to meet and greet prior to making dining plans. On Friday afternoon there will be a special luncheon just for spouses, while BAC members have their own luncheon and hold the annual business meeting. Friday night will be the annual banquet with plenty of food, drink and festivities.

Mark the dates and start making plans to join the fun. We’re hoping to double the number of planes we had in Wichita in 2006. Stay tuned, more details will follow as they unfold.