Home | BAC Fest 2008 a HUGE success!!!

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BAC Fest 2008 a HUGE success!!!

BAC Fest 2008 is over but the attendees are still buzzing about it! Over 50 people attended this year and there were 16 planes on the ramp at one point. This is not the largest crowd (that was last year) but it was a great turn-out considering the western venue. There was a different approach to the event this year too…..In the past we have had a maintenance clinic for the member activity day. This year we had a presentation by a local aircraft painting and interior company, followed by a special “show-and-tell” of Bob Lewis’ Musketeer and great BBQ lunch and wrapped up the day with another presentation by a local avionics expert.

Friday’s BAC member luncheon meeting was a big success. A lot of topics were discussed and members were all “brought up to speed” by president Cloyd Van Hook. We learned more details about the plans for the BAC Talk magazine, a review of the maintenance DVD’s was presented and Cloyd announced that BAC is working on a baby Beech rescue plan which will allow for the relocation of any BAC members plane that is in danger due to a flood, fire or, more likely, hurricane. Look for more details on this important program soon.

Finally, Mrs. Gene Nora Jessen stole the show at the gala banquet with her great presentation about her flying career and contribution to the Musketeer program. Her PowerPoint show was spellbinding. She says she hopes to be in Gatlinburg for BAC Fest 2009.

It was a fantastic event but BAC Fest 2009 is already shaping up to be better attended and more exciting, informative and fun! Make your plans now for BAC Fest 2009 in Gatlinburg, TN!!!!