Home | BAC Mail – Beech Aero Club Mailing List Available Now !

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BAC Mail – Beech Aero Club Mailing List Available Now !

The Beech Aero Club is pleased to announce the launch of BAC Mail today, July 4, 2005, BAC’s first birthday. BAC Mail is an e-mail list service where members can post questions or information that will be viewed and responded to by other list members. All posts, questions, answers, announcements, etc. will be archived on the BAC website and may be searched through the search function of the BAC website. Many of you have requested such a service.

Some of you may be familiar with Musketeer Mail (MM), a similar e-mail list. Those of us that formed BAC met through MM. Less than half of BAC’s members are members of MM. Some may ask why not just refer new BAC members to MM. We feel that BAC should provide its members with the best service possible and we believe we can do this best through facilities controlled by BAC rather than under the auspices of Yahoo, MM’s host.

Everyone interested will have to sign up for BAC Mail. You will have to tell us whether you want to receive individual e-mails of each posting, or a daily digest.

There are many MM members that predate BAC. Some of these MM members have chosen not to join BAC. These persons are welcome to join and participate in BAC Mail. Membership in BAC is not a prerequisite to joining BAC Mail however, only BAC members will have access to the search function or view the archives.

BAC Mail will be the official service to be used for posting information concerning BAC fly-ins, maintenance clinics or other BAC business. All are welcome to join and participate in BAC Mail.