Home | BAC/MM BAF Fly-In Is On

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The BAC/MM Northeast Fly-In is a go! Unless there is a major change in the weather (THAT couldn’t happen, could it?) we will hold the event in Westfield, MA. As best I can see, the rain showers and clouds will hold until Saturday afternoon, late. So what do I know? It’s a decent guess.If there IS a major switcheroo in actual conditions, I will post any

cancellation on both MM and BAC. But as it looks now, we are in

business. The only restrictions would be those you place on


If you are on the list but find yourself trapped by the fates and

cannot make it, would you email me early or even call my cell

(413-531-1938). Cuz I am a worrying sort. (I’m even PAID to think in

“worst case scenarios”)

So, in the words of the Watch Commander from Hill Street Blues:

“Hey, hey! Let’s be careful out there.”

See you at BAF

Steve Cote