Home | BAC/NE Fly-In Arrival NOTAMs

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BAC/NE Fly-In Arrival NOTAMs

BAC again with more info on the BAC/NE/BAF Fly-In (just how many letters an we fit into an acronym?)

Here are some “local” NOTAMS from the Connecticut Valley.

First…remember, we are in the OPPOSITE end of the state from Boston. We’ve rebelled before and we can do it again.When coming into the Western Massachusetts area there are some considerations on a nice sunny day. I highly recommend Flight Following as things may be crowded.

UNDECLARED TFRs: It is Graduation Weekend in the Pioneer Valley. There will be large, open air Commencements at UMASS and Amherst College in Amherst, Smith College in Northampton, and Springfield College and W.New England College in Springfield. Keep your altitude up if you see a lot of mortarboards, unemployed Grads, and destitute parents.

MEAT-MISSILES (Sky Divers): We have three very active Sky Diving centers right near us. Orange MA (ORE) 30 nm Northeast of us, Ellington CT (7B9) 30 nm Southeast of us, and greatest hazard is Northampton MA (7B2) just a couple miles upriver from us. Lots of nylon hanging in the sky (Northampton does ballons too). Use Flight Following or get advisories from these airports.

ALUMINUM OVERCAST: Right across the Connecticut River to the east from us, and abutting our Class D, is Westover AFB/Chicopee Municipal. Do you have any idea just how BIG a C-5 Galaxy is? Keep your eyes peeled as they have an entire wing of ’em. And they host occasional fast movers there too.

Just downriver is Bradley Int’l (BDL) with a lot of airline traffic coming off the Chester and Chicopee VORs. All controllers are friendly and accommodating, just ask.

STEEL BELLY TICKLERS: Just south of us (between BAF and BDL) is a ridge with some good size TV towers. Not only are the towers hard to see, but the guy wires go out quite a way. There are worse ones west of Hartford but you won’t be that low yet.

WRONG ‘DROME SYNDROME: Yep, believe it, BAF, BDL, and CEF all look very much alike and are really close. Large multi-engine jets are a give away that you are at the wrong field. And too, WestOVER sounds like WestFIELD.

PICKY NEIGHBORS: The folks along the ridge half a mile east of BAF have the Mass. Aeronautics Commission in their speed dial. Please help mollify them by staying east of the ridge (only mere mortals live on THAT side). Besides, if runway 33 is favored it makes for a cool right base and dive through the quarry to the numbers.

Well, I’m excited. I look forward to seeing y’all. Any questions? EMail or call me. Cell# for last minute prob’s is 413-531-1938.

Bringing a dish of eatables is NOT necessary but would be cool.

Still sacrifcing to Wx Gods,

Steve (I’ve run out of Virgins) Cote