Home | BAC Picnic on the Flightline Update and Photos

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BAC Picnic on the Flightline Update and Photos

The Picnic was a huge success with about 45 members and guests, including Harold Bost and John Parish from the Beechcraft Heritage Museum and Robin Thomas and Darren Tilman from PowerFlow Systems. Photos in the photo gallery under East Central Fly-ins.The Airshow was fantastic! We were on the ‘back side’ of the show (appropriate location for BAC!), in the ‘crash zone’. All show aircraft turn away from the crowd for safety (the crash zone), which means they were coming right over our heads at times. We had the Boeing Dreamlifter rotate right in front of us, F18s near supersonic over our heads (they were going away before we even heard them), and much more! I’ve uploaded some photos, but would like anyone else with photos to add to the collection.

I’d like to thank Debbie and Larry Last for hosting this event. They have a beautiful house and a fantastic location! Larry and Debbie have already commited for a repeat event for next year!

See you all in 2009!