Home | BAC STC Group to Tackle Shoulder Harnesses

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BAC STC Group to Tackle Shoulder Harnesses

The BAC STC Group has decided to tackle developing an STC to add shoulder harnesses to the older planes.This group was formed late last year and is just getting down to business. Several projects have been discussed and it’s been decided that the first project to tackle will be the development of an STC to install shoulder harnesses in the older birds. These became required in the early 70s but the older planes have only lap belts. This is a safety issue that the Group felt deserved its attention.

Another project that is being considered is an STC for aileron gap seals. This STC could improve performance with minimal installation cost. Other projects have been discussed.

The initial project was intended to be wheel pants but reports from Mike Rellihan indicate the Power Flow Systems is making good progress with their wheel pants project and hopes to have them ready for display and sale at BAC Fest 2006 in August. We feel our efforts could better be directed to the shoulder harnesses.

From Mike Rellihan- My compliments to this group! This is another real milestone for BAC, and what the Club was intended to accomplish. This week Bill Manhein put his accurate external power plug adapters up for sale. Before too long Tony Crowe (our new International Director in Great Britain) will be making new Model 19/23 jack pad adapters available for sale, at maybe around one-third of the Beech price. It will be financially practical for nearly every member to keep a set on hand; and Tony has ideas for a front fuselage jacking adapter. Another member has posted plans for a fuselage cradle. I could go on and on. We are making serious headway as a Club, with more people becoming involved in more needed projects. That’s real progress, and bodes well for BAC and its members.