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BACTalk has Arrived!

Here’s hoping you’re enjoying the first published issue of BACTalk. If you don’t have it yet, it should be arriving in the next day or two.In order to make BACTalk all the magazine you want it to be, we need your help with stories, photos and your technical “know-how” for future issues. As you can see, the bar has been set pretty high so sharpen up your pencils and send in a story and photos you can really be proud off. Think about:

  • Funny Stories
  • Great Flying Destinations
  • Great Photos
  • Flying Tips and Techniques
  • Technical Articles
  • CoPilot (spouse) Views and Anecdotes

Can’t promise that everything will be printed but give it a try! Besides, it’s fun to see your name in print!! Send your submissions to BACTalk Editor at any time. You can also leave me a message on the web site. The next issue will be getting underway soon. – Rick Koch