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BAF Fly-In After Action Report

Whew! What a time we had. The Northeast Fly-In at Westfield, MA is history. And I think we made some too. I really want to thank everyone who made it to BAF; and to those who tried and had to turn back.Here are the stats in general:

11 aircraft and 2 cars carrying

19 people and 1 dog

(1 pilot flew two aircraft…but that’s another story for Tim to tell)

Two mice had mechanical difficulty enroute…one was rewired by it’s pilot/A&P/wizard (Good work Mark Patachiola)

We had people and A/C from two countries, 6 states, 1 province (no, we did NOT allow Tom Corcoran to count as another province as well as a state)

We ranged from a 150hp Sport to Ed’s really sharp looking Sierra (I did not count the Beechjet who went by…he didn’t stop)

Now for those who were there, there were supposed to be awards. But, since we all did our imitation of a flock of startled pigeons, we never got to vote.

The Awards were: Longest Distance Traveled

Well, we already knew that one. Ed Fitchett flew in from Toronto…hands down winner. BUT…Bob Palamari, a surprise entrant, came up from Tom’s River NJ in HIS Sierra too.

The other awards were to be

Best In Show (being the sharpest looking bird which collected the most drool from onlookers)

Most Like Original (being as close to factory delivery equippage as possible.)

Since everybody has already gotten hazy memories about which ones were which, I will simply hold these until we meet again.

Thank you all, I had a wonderful time. It was my pleasure hosting the Fly-In. Now that you know where we are, drop in. The Flight Deck Restaurant is open Tues-Sun for B’fst/Lunch.

And thanks to Five Star Jet Center for the use of their facilities for our repast.

See you soon,

Steve Cote

PS: Did you know that those were “Free-Range” lobsters? And the steers for the Prime Rib were humanely talked to death at Amherst College before butchering. I mean, this is liberal Massachusetts afterall.