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Become a Pilot Day

Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum, Udvar – Hazy Center June 20, 2009Join the Smithsonian Institution Udvar-Hazy Center Become a Pilot Day! June 20, 2009.

This is one of the biggest public events of the year for the National Air & Space Museum. The location is Adjacent to Dulles Airport KIAD, easy to fly or drive in. But you will not be able to taxi to the Museum.

For the past few years this event is created to remind the museum going public that all types of Aviation are still going on in the USA. After a safety briefing guests come out the the ramp to meet pilots of all types. Since its inception BAC has been represented by Paul Werbin and his 1981 Sierra as an example of affordable general aviation.

We can call this a BAC fly in, and take turns showing the plane. There is food available as well as private tours of the Museum for those helping out.

If you want to take part contact paulwerbin@aol.com

Read about the event;
