Home | BEECH DAY June 4, Kennewick Vista Field – update

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BEECH DAY June 4, Kennewick Vista Field – update

Well, only about three weeks left until Beech Day at Vista Field, Saturday June 4 (S98), hosted by Chep and Kay Gauntt. http://www.airnav.com/airport/S98

I talked to Kay today, and the hours for this relaxed and fun day at the ‘hanger’ are 9-3. BBQ about noon. Time enough for everybody to fly-in and tie down, and then pop open the chairs and umbrellas and get ready for some great hanger flying!There’s NOT much housing in Kennewick that weekend, but nearby is Pasco (KPSC)

Pendleton (KPDT) and my home base at Walla Walla (KALW) with places to stay!

Chet’s working with Ben Tuttle Aviation for a fuel discount, and Chep even went

out there with his road grader to flatten out some more parking!

The Gauntt’s have sent out about 400 postcards to their friends in the Bonanza

Society, and if they get 10% – that’s at least 40!

I’ve got a pretty big list of MusketeerMail and BAC members, and I’m telling Chep

that we can get more of our Beech Aerocenter planes there than he’ll get Bonanzas!

OK! The gauntlet has been thrown down, so let’s get our planes and flight plans


Chep and Kay assure me that EVERYBODY is invited – even though it’s BEECH DAY –

get your friends and get off the ground (but don’t forget that RSVP please?)

Here’s the list I have so far – if you see your self on there, how about sending

me a yes/no so I can get back to Kay with some numbers for her shopping list?

Also, if your status has changed, I’d appreciate hearing from you.

If you know of another owner who’s not listed, how about filling me in?

BTW – Mick is flying down from Canada in a brand ‘C’ but remains committed to our

group – YEA Mick!

Yes & Pretty sures…

Bill & Ann Howard (hey, I GOTTA be there – I have the banner!)

Mick Nordeen – He says he ‘wouldn’t miss it!’

Glenn Fuqua (if he can get away from the BBQ at Aurora)

Donald & Wendy McNamara (Possible Little League conflicts – let’s hope!)

Ray & Blair Griffin (Ray sez he’ll fly anywhere to show off his plane!)

Beech Aero Club Members (North West Region) yet to be heard from…

Chris Bockmuehl

Wayne & Teresa Pedersen

Maurice Berger

Braden Messenger

Bob & Norma Jeanne Avon

Russel & Anita Hunt

Paul & Bonnie Parashak

Jay & Miranda Willis

Steve & Karen Erb

Michael Peace (Go Illini!)

Miles McClure

Gerald Markham

Ron Sellers

Sandy Floe

Fred & Helen Kiesel

Norris & Viviane Hibbler

Richard & Dorothy Morton

Larry & Marilyn Tanneberg

Bob & Sandy Hammer

Travis McNeal

Some BAC members who are a little farther out – but, hey, ya gotta exercise the oil..

Carl & Patricia Foster

Richard Koch

Chris & Leeanne Linderman

George Mahon

Pedro Bach (Maybe a little too far??? He’s in Tenerife)

Jeff & Teresa Bryant (NOT all that far from Mojave??? Hey – that’s what 160HP is


Musketeer Mail friends I’ve tried to keep track of…

Bob Gresli (with his NEW Skipper!)

Brian Goodwin (found his C23 – N7694R parked at Spokane Airways – anybody know him?)

Trevor Miller

Ross Bingaman

David Brenegan

Bruce Byer

Dennis Byron

Greg & Sheli Capes

Doug Cole

Bill Cruse

Dan Extrom

Jim Harrison

John & Donna Higenbottam

Mike & Sandi Kelly

Chris & Annette Kracht

Arsenio Locsin

Richard Manning

Troy Merriman

Ed Moore

Bill Di Pasquale

Gary Percy (one of our oldest Musketeer Mail & Arlington fly-in supporters!)

Marty Picco

Adam Weiss

And certainly NOT least – the great folks who got me into this (little did I

know) by letting me adopt their son’s plane…Joe & Pat Shone!

That’s a LOT of names! Gotta be able to put at least 40 planes in there from

this list, right?

So – there – it – is – BEECH DAY – ya gotta be part of it!!!

Bill Howard



1973 Sport 150

Beech Aero Club NorthWest Region Director