Home | BEECHDAY big Success!

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

BEECHDAY big Success!

Beechday – weather as promised – ow! My sunburn! You ALL should have been there!

Best flying weather of the year – I swear!Two Beech Aero Club planes DID made it –

N3649Q, A23-24 (Super 200) w/ Ian & Debbie Smellie, from Richland – 6.5 NM

And the winner!

N2131W, C23 Sundowner 180 w/ James & Sherri Sellers from Troutdale – 139.2 NM

Also, your illustrious NorthWest Regional Director and spouse were there:

To carry US and the BAC NWR Banner would have been too much weight. Also, I was a little light in the Medical Certificate department, so we drove (ugh!)

But Carrie was there with us in spirit!

N1927W, B19 Sport 150 w/ Ann & Bill Howard from Walla Walla – 39 NM, and that’s EACH way!

Chep & Kay Gauntt and their extended family opened their hanger and their hearts and we had a great time – good fun, and good food! Ben Tuttle and the Vista Field folks made it LOTS of fun to be there!

I’ll get some pix loaded time permitting in the Flyin Section!

Bill Howard

NorthWest Regional Director – BeechAeroClub