Home | Brittain Autopilot Products Update – Update

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

Brittain Autopilot Products Update – Update

The Brittain website has experienced problems, so I thought I’d publish this update. We are hoping that Brittain will join us at BAC Fest in Wichita; Dave Buttram has been in contact with them.I have created a new Links Category; I have added Avionics under Maintenance. All the separate Brittain web pages are listed there, you can now view their product list. They have been working with a web vendor to fix their lost links, but no luck so far.

Brittain APs were used in many of the earlier planes, and they are still a very good product. Since much of their sales are based on remanufactured/’yellow tagged’ components, their prices are usually much lower than S-TEC. For example, their B5C product includes Altitude Hold, and includes their replacement TC and DG. It retails for $4,900 plus about $1,400 installation on their ramp. Their least expensive wing-leveler is only around $2,500 installed; maybe another $1,000 if you want Nav coupling from two Nav sources. I am probably off on these prices, but they give you some idea.

Brittain has been known for good products and service. They will probably offer sales and installations for you on the way to or from BAC Fest, if you are interested; they are about a half-hour air time from Beech Field. If they are able to attend the Fly-In, I will ask them about a BAC discount.

Brittain is still a thriving business; it’s just that they are focused on higher-end specialized products for the King Air crowd, as opposed to expanding their AP business. Unlike companies like Bendix-King and Century, they still service (and sell) every AP they ever made (and plan to keep doing so). If you are planning to make it to BAC Fest in late August, it would be the perfect time to get a decent AP inexpensively installed. Brittain is located on the Tulsa International Airport/KTUL, pretty close to Beech Field/KBEC in Wichita, (110 NM apart).

[Added By Dave B]

I have spoken with Mr Jerry Walters Owner of Brittain. He has a prior commitment the weekend of BAC Fest but is going to see if he can’t get one of his employees to come down and answer questions on Friday afternoon as part of our Vendor time. I will post updates as I hear from them.