Home | Chris Linderman Appointed Interim SW Regional Director

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Chris Linderman Appointed Interim SW Regional Director

The BAC Board has voted to appoint Chris Linderman to fill the vacancy as SW Regional Director. Jeff Bryant, the prior SW Regional Director has sold his Sport 160. [You may better remember Jeff’s plane as the X-wing fighter his son, the Jedi warrior, flew against the Death Star in Jeff’s piece, “Why I Own My Own Aircraft.”] Jeff’s business commitments prevent him from continuing to take an active role in BAC. We thank Jeff for his contributions to BAC.Chris and Dan Jonas (CalifDan) have been working on stirring up activity in the Southwest Region. I wish I could make it to the Napa fly-in they’re planning.

Chris will serve the remainder of Jeff Bryant’s term which ends December 31 of this year. The terms of all the officers and directors of BAC expire at the end of this year. We have elections again this fall. Chris, as well as all other members of the SW Region, will have an opportunity to run for a full term as SW Regional Director this fall.