Home | Donut Compressor Sets Available To BAC Members

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Donut Compressor Sets Available To BAC Members

Fixed-Gear and Retract-Gear donut pre-compression fixtures are now available for loan to BAC members, from three different locations across the USA.Mike Rellihan was finally able to finish the manufacture and assembly of three sets of FG compressors, and three sets of RG compressors. One set of the FG compressors (the Western set), was donated by a fellow BAC member, whose name I have embarrassingly misplaced (speak up, please, for recognition!).

The first RG set and FG set went to Chris Linderman, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Chris provides a more centrally located point of origin for our Western USA and Canada members who need to borrow a set of compressors. Part of the intent was to reduce the shipping time and cost for our Western members, as compared to shipping them from the USA East Coast. I considered a Canadian set; but my Canadian contacts seemed to think that it would actually be cheaper to post them via the USPS system, from the Western or Eastern USA, versus having one set to send the full length of Canada via Canadian Post.

The second and third ‘packages’ have been sent to Regional Directors Steve Cote (Springfield, MA, for the North Central/Northeast/Eastern Canada), and to Doug Muse, in Tallahassee, FL (for the East Central/Southeast USA). The intent was to have sufficient sets to meet multiple concurrent needs where we have the highest member density, as well as to reduce shipping cost and time. Members can contact Chris, Steve, or Doug (whoever represents the closest shipping point), via BAC Private Messaging or email, to request scheduling or shipment.

BAC is reimbursing me for my out-of-pocket materials cost on these. Those expenses will be modest, and will be spread over six different sets of fixtures. As a result, there will be no usage fee expected (neither by me nor by BAC), to recover those costs.

Anyone who uses the fixtures will be expected to pay the shipping cost to obtain them. If they are going ‘back home’, meaning no one else is ‘in line’, the same member will need to pay the return shipping as well. If they go to another member instead, that next member must reimburse the shipping cost to whoever shipped them. Whoever is ‘last to use them’, will unavoidably have to pay the return shipping as well. The shipping weight on these is going to preclude overseas shipment. It would be far cheaper to use the instructions on BAC, and make a set in the country of use.

So here is the announcement of another useful BAC member benefit. It will also enable me to hang on to my personal ‘shop sets’, which won’t be in outside use when I next need them. I have been loaning/renting out my personal sets, up to now.

Please note that anyone who is contemplating this work really must read the extensive FAQs on BAC.