Home | Doug Lund Accepts BAC Recognition for Military Service

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Doug Lund Accepts BAC Recognition for Military Service

Douglas Lund of Martinsburg, West Virginia has accepted a plaque from BAC in recognition of his service in Iraq. The plaque thanks Doug for his service in the West Virginia National Guard which was activated for service in the Mid East. Doug returned home in March after eighteen months away. He served in a mechanical support unit.

Many BAC members were surprised to learn that one of our correspondents was actually in a war zone communicating daily about Beech airplanes. (Doug flies a 1978 Sport). Though he was not able to discuss military matters on Musketeer Mail, he did maintain a regular dialog on MM about flying techniques and other issues of interest to the group.

The Board of Directors voted unanimously at the Dayton Beech-East to recognise Doug. To the Board’s knowledge, Doug Lund is our only member to have served in Iraq.

The recognition was not exclusive however.

Representing president Cloyd Van Hook, Tom Corcoran of Boston delivered official remarks and the plaque at the June 5, 2005 fly-in at Martinsburg, West Virginia. Van Hook thanked Lund as an individual but also as one of many veterans for helping protect the freedom that allows the Beech Aero Club to enjoy open skies.

Doug has indicated that he has accepted the award as a symbolic jesture in the name of all members of the Beech Aero Club who have served their country in all wars and conflicts. He will carry the plaque to his next meeting of his Guard unit and pass on the wishes and thanks of BAC to his fellow guardsmen and women.