Home | East Central Region Hillsboro fly-in a success!

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

East Central Region Hillsboro fly-in a success!

We are calling the Hillsboro fly-in a great success even though turnout was a bit low due to weather (sound familiar?). We had eleven people attend the GE tour and a few more that that for the barbecue! Great food, great people and a great tour. Can’t beat that! And, we will have a write-up on the club and our fly-in in the local paper next week!Look for more details in BACtalk (at least now I’ll have something to write about)

I’ll download my pics as soon as I get a chance. No photos of the GE tour, as cameras were not allowed. Any other attendees, feel free to download as well.

Thanks for hosting, Dan Kirby!