Home | FINALLY! Rosen sunvisors are legally available!

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

FINALLY! Rosen sunvisors are legally available!

At last! Rosen Sunvisor Systems has completed the work to get FAA approval on their sunvisors for many of the Beech Aero Club planes. The announcement comes just in time for members to ready their planes for the spring and summer flying.

To sweeten the deal, Rosen is offering a BAC member discount for purchases placed before April 30, 2010. The regular price for their high quality visors is $446.52 plus shipping and handling. For purchases made by BAC members BEFORE April 30, 2010, the price is reduced to $398.00 plus shipping and handling. This price is offered in USA dollars. These visors are STC’d and PMA!

Here is the product number by Beech Aero Club plane model:

Visor number R1160007-0 should be ordered for the following planes with the appropriate serial number:

Sundowner S/N M-1632 to M-2070
Sport S/N MB-762 to MB-908
Sierra S/N MC-336 to MC-603
Duchess S/N ME-1 to ME-73

Visor number R1160005-0 should be ordered for the following planes with the appropriate serial number:

Sundowner S/N M-2071 and up
Sport S/N MB-909 and up
Sierra S/N MC-604 and up
Duchess ME-74 to ME-147

Visor number R1730001-0 should be ordered for the following planes with the appropriate serial number:

Musketeer S/N M-1 to M-1631
Super (all S/N)
Sport S/N MB-1 to MB-761
Sierra S/N MC-2 to MC-335

You must telephone to place the order. Their toll-free number is (800)284-7677, and use promo code: BB2010

Thank you Rosen Sunvisors Sytems and Mike Rellihan (et al) for making these great visors available for our planes. Another benefit of being a BAC member!