Home | FLASH: Snow Thaws In Northeast In Time For Fly-In!!

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FLASH: Snow Thaws In Northeast In Time For Fly-In!!

Hallelujah! The snow finally melted on the ramp at Barnes Airport.

Now we REALLY have to celebrate with a Fly-In on April 14th.Ah, Spring in the Northeast. Just listen to the growling of the ice as the rivers break up; the muffled cries from under the snow in Oneida; the howls of anguish as people do their tax returns!!

But most of all…the long absent sound of aero engines turning over after a long winter. (And, well, the cussin’ of owners of dead batteries.)

Come on out to Westfield MA (Barnes Muni, BAF) for our first Northeast Fly-In of the year. (I have blotted that January event out of my mind!!)

We will have burgers, potato salad, chips, soda…all the things your AME waggles his finger about. (No, really, Dr. Alifano, I will only be SERVING that stuff. Not eating it, ya know.)

Our program is still a little, well, amorphous. But we will have the important things: Musketeers, Food, and Friends. Come out and meet old friends you haven’t seen for a while. Come and meet old friends you have never seen face to face before!

Oh nuts…JUST COME. BAC, MM, CPA, even those Piper People; y’all invited.

Steve Cote

