Home | Fly In, Denver, Co. – KFTG – June 22-24

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Fly In, Denver, Co. – KFTG – June 22-24

We’ll be having a Fly-in near Denver, sponsored by BAC North Central Region on June 22-24th, with Sat June 23 being the target day. This will be held in conjunction with the EAA Rocky Mtn Region fly-in / Airshow, which normally attracts 400-500 aircraft, at KFTG, Front Range Airport.

We will have a dedicated BAC parking / hang-out area with a tent. You can stay overnight with camping on the airport, or nearby hotels. Enjoy the airshows each day, and seminar and workshop activity conducted by EAA.

More info to follow soon! Check out the EAA info on the event. EAA.org, click on events calendar, regional fly-in schedule, rocky mtn EAA fly-in…. or Click HERE

As with all BAC Events, Everyone is invited and welcome to join us for a fun weekend of flying and talking Musketeers.

Mike Ferguson