Home | Fly-In news for South Central BAC region

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

Fly-In news for South Central BAC region

We are still on for a fly In on November 6 2004. On a little different theme from the other regions, we will be meeting off of the ‘beaten path’. The location is a grass strip located on the White River in ARKANSAS. Gastons White River Resort (3M0, www.gastons.com). The resort is approximately 24 minutes from Branson, MO and 5 minutes from Baxter County (BPK, Mountain Home, AR). With so much so close, you could plan to see a lot of the area if you want to.See the photos of Gastons that I have posted on this web site and contact me if you do not understand the landing and take off procedures (j_w_bruce@yahoo.com).

If you intend to arrive early or stay after, the resort has cabins on the river, see their web site. Remember Gastons is daytime only…

No maintenance clinic is planned, but there will be demonstrations on how to pack away lots of food. Hope to see all of you and your beech aircraft on Saturday.

Additional information will be posted to MusketeerMail. I will be watching our weather all week, and in the event of Pretend VFR weather (or downright IFR), I will announce the GO/No GO decision on Thursday 11/4.


Jay Bruce