Home | Friday Report: I was there today. SATURDAY is the ICE RUNWAY Fly-In at ALTON BAY, New Hampshire

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Friday Report: I was there today. SATURDAY is the ICE RUNWAY Fly-In at ALTON BAY, New Hampshire

I landed on the ice today (Friday February 10, 2012).
My personal report…

I had business in New Hampshire today and on the way home I landed on the ice at Alton Bay. The wind was right down Runway 19 which approaches from over the lake and departs to rising terrain requiring a good rate of climb. The ice was solid enough to support my Sundowner and there were four other planes parked there. I touch down and departed as I decided a touch and go was better than trying to climb over the hill/mountain from a standing start. There was no snow cover and the ice was slick. The runway is marked by some difficult-to-see stakes on each side. THIS BAY APPEARS TO BE THE ONLY PART OF THE LAKE THAT IS TRULY FROZEN. Be aware, there is open water on each side of the runway. Some trucks are on the ice. Saturday’s weather http://www.accuweather.com/en/us/laconia-nh/03246/weather-forecast/334467 is forcast by civilian meteorologists to be snowy and gusty (45mph). I have elected to personally stay home tomorrow because of conditions. If the wind is out of the north Alton Bay is safer. Out of the west it is a direct crosswind down the mountain slope. Big gusts will add to the experience! Have a safe trip and get a good weather briefing for B18… nearest official weather is at KLCI.

Tom Corcoran

Original post as follows is still accurate.

Paul Larochelle, the volunteer ice runway manager, reports that the ice is in usable condition.

Lake Winnepesauke is frozen solid and you are invited to set down there “using caution”.

BAC members will assemble at 11:15am for the usual hangar talk and to watch the excitement.

There is a restaurant on site but lunch will be on your own. Bring a hot drink and a sandwich as a back up.

Use a light touch setting down and taxi slow about 1/3 normal walking pace and make turns ultra-ultra-slow.

Recording on runway conditions 603 875-3498. Donations to Paul for plowing are always welcome.

Tom Corcoran, Director Northeast Region