Home | Hillsboro, Ohio BAC Fly-in, Tour of GE Jet Engine Test Facility

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Hillsboro, Ohio BAC Fly-in, Tour of GE Jet Engine Test Facility

East Central Region Ohio Fly-in, March 2-4, 2007.

Spring is around the corner, and to kick off the fly-in season. Dan Kirby is hosting a fly-in at Hillsboro, Ohio (HOC) Friday, March 2nd, through Sunday, March 4th, with rain dates of March 9th through March 11th. Events include a tour of the GE Jet Engine Test Facility and an evening barbecue and bull session. Read more for details.

Here is the agenda so far, subject to change:

Friday March 2 (9).

Friday arrivals will meet for dinner, beverages, and swapping lies. Transportation to hotel will be provided.

Saturday March 3 (10).

Breakfast: Continental breakfast at the hotel or on your own.

10:15-10:30 – Bus to Hangar 6. For Saturday arrivals, Hangar 6 is on the field at Hillsboro (HOC).

10:15-11:45 – Tour of Hangar 6, an FAA-certified Repair Station that specializes in post-accident airframe and power plant repair.

11:45-12:45 – Lunch at Hangar 6.

12:45-1:30 – Bus to General Electric

1:30-4:30 Tour of the General Electric Jet Engine Test Facility, where they test the big airliner engines. Most testing is done in cool weather, so hope for a cool, crisp CAVU day! If we are lucky, we might get to watch them shoot recently deceased chickens into a running engine to test the engine’s ability to ingest a large bird in flight. No chicken salad for lunch today! General Electric is a secure facility, so all attendee’s names must be submitted prior to the tour. When signing up for the fly-in, include names of all attendees, so we can submit them to GE. Persons not on the list will NOT be allowed on the tour.

4:30-5:15 Bus to Hangar 6

5:15-? – Barbecue, beverage and bull session at Hangar 6.

? – Bus to hotel

Sunday March 4 (11).

Breakfast on your own


Please sign up as a definite, probable or possible as soon as you can, so we have an idea of how large the tour will be. If your status changes, please let us know. Remember, We need names of all persons touring the GE facility.

This event is sponsored by the East Central Region, but as always, BAC members from all regions are invited (encouraged) to attend.

Hotel Information. Hotel accommodations in Hillsboro are somewhat limited as the population is about 6000. The Days Inn is the hotel of choice, with rooms starting at about $55.00. You can check it out at www.daysinn.com, Hillsboro, Ohio; their phone number is 937-393-0299.