Home | How Big of a Birthday Cake do I Need?

>>> BACFest 2025:  Lock Haven, PA (KLHV)

How Big of a Birthday Cake do I Need?

I’m planning to throw a birthday party for BAC on July 2 at St. John Airport (1L0). That’s about 25 miles west of New Orleans International (MSY). Won’t be a real formal fly-in. Just get together, meet people, have a burger, blow out the candle and wish BAC a Happy Birthday. Who knows, maybe I’ll scare up some party hats. Bring your cameras.

We’ll probably start to gather about 10 am.

I’d like to know how many folks to expect so I know how big a shindig to prepare.Please let me know if you plan to attend. E-mail me at cloydvanhook@imtt.com. My office number is 504-619-2379. My cell is 504-231-6240. If it’s not on, which it often isn’t, leave a voicemail either at the office or on the cell.

Cloyd Van Hook

President, BAC